Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Planned hotel and tower of condos in Brickell

The Related Group The organization is considering a project to build a hotel and condominium complex in the Brickell neighborhood, according to reports. Overall it shows a revival nationwide construction and home sales. A spokeswoman of Related said the company does not want to comment because the details can cambiar. Pero, according to the Daily Business  reviled, the project includes 400 condominiums and 132 hotel rooms. Related Currently working on the construction of four towers in downtown Miami condos that will 1325.

This is Millecento, MyBrickell Iconbay and also a work in 1300 South Miami Avenue, which still has no name. Meanwhile Peter Zalewski, the real estate consultancy Condo Vultures, said that "several builders are acting strongly due to reports of firm demand from buyers with agreements preconstruction condos in South Florida, at a time when unsold inventory in the tri-county region could be bought perhaps early 2014, the pace today. " While Swire Properties is already working on the construction of the Brickell CityCenter, which includes a hotel. 

Pamela Anderson is selling 7 million dollars house

The former "Bay Guardian" Pamela Anderson went on sale residence in Malibu for $7.700,000, today reported sources of real estate here.
The house built in 1959 and purchased by Anderson in 2000 and has a paved entrance olive trees, five bedrooms and three bathrooms, and two thousand 752 square feet of living space.
Anderson, 45, was "playmate" for five years Playboy and starred in "Baywatch" (1992-1997, "" VIP "(1998-2002) and" Stacked "(2005-2006).
Anderson bought the property for $1.800,000 and had rented frequents.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Una inversión de bienes raíces guía

Si usted es como yo, usted puede estar reflexionando sobre lo mal que su cartera de inversiones realizadas en 2011. Todos los índices bursátiles, excepto el Dow Jones, cayeron. Tu cuenta de ahorros, si los hay, puede haber ganado un anémico 0,25 por ciento. Asumiendo que usted está convencido de que 2012 es el año para dar el paso de inversiones en bienes raíces, es posible que desee considerar lo siguiente.

Asociaciones inmobiliarias limitados, o piscinas que invierten directamente en inmuebles, pueden proporcionar un vehículo atractivo. Esas asociaciones se forman generalmente por profesionales del sector inmobiliario con experiencia previa en la compra, financiación, operación, administración, arrendamiento y venta de bienes raíces para maximizar el retorno de sus inversores en general. A menudo buscan reducir su riesgo mediante la compra de una cartera diversificada tales como edificios de oficinas o de apartamentos, comerciales o industriales de propiedad, las cédulas hipotecarias o incluso banco de propiedad de bienes raíces (REO).

Para aquellos que buscan gestionar activamente sus inversiones de bienes raíces, y en especial para el inversionista por primera vez, yo recomendaría la compra de un condominio residencial - idealmente, una unidad de dos dormitorios en una ubicación privilegiada con bajas cuotas de condominio. Estos suelen ser los más fáciles de alquilar y ordenar las más altas tasas de alquiler.

En un condominio, usted debe asegurarse de que los inversionistas son bienvenidos. Muchos condominios restringir alquiler de condominios de unidad e imponer rígidas mover-in o moverse fuera honorarios que usted no puede ser capaz de pasar a través de sus inquilinos. También debe consultar con la sociedad de gestión para asegurarse de que el condominio no tiene tantos inversores que ya no es elegible para Fannie Mae financiación conforme. Los prestamistas generalmente no dan préstamos en condominios que tienen demasiados inversionistas-propietarios.

La declaración de condominio, los estatutos y las reglas de la casa deben ser revisados ​​para verificar que legalmente puede alquilar su unidad. Le recomiendo que investigue minuciosamente la solvencia de la asociación del condominio para asegurarse de que está recogiendo sus honorarios de condominio en el momento oportuno. Esta diligencia debida financiera debe analizar las reservas del condominio en efectivo para asegurarse de que son suficientes para cubrir todos los puntos de mantenimiento programado, como el reemplazo de techos, sistemas de climatización y renovación ascensor. Tesorería del condominio deben ser analizados para ver si se puede pagar por las reparaciones de emergencia para eventos imprevistos tales como inundaciones, incendios o tormentas, no están cubiertos por el seguro.

Debido a que los condominios históricamente no se han apreciado en valor tanto como otras propiedades, muchas personas, que buscan maximizar sus ganancias, pregunte a viviendas unifamiliares. Pero las casas unifamiliares también plantean el mayor riesgo y requieren de manos en extensas tiempo, esfuerzo y experiencia. Especialmente para el inversionista por primera vez, el primer paso en la compra de una vivienda unifamiliar como una inversión es llevar a cabo una minuciosa inspección de la casa y profesional. Usted debe acompañar al inspector para que pueda mostrar de la casa "huesos" y señalar los defectos o reparaciones necesarias. También debe proporcionarle un presupuesto escrito para hacer las reparaciones o reemplazos. Según los resultados de la inspección de la casa, chimenea de detalle adicional, HVAC, radón o inspecciones de moho puede ser sabio. La mayoría de los prestamistas requieren una inspección de plagas.

El siguiente gran paso es crear el presupuesto y el cronograma de las reparaciones, sustituciones o mejoras que la intención de terminar. A menos que la intención de hacer este trabajo por sí mismo y por lo tanto invertir su "ayuda mutua", usted tendrá que contratar a un contratista general. Dependiendo del alcance de la obra, es posible que desee ser su propio contratista general y contratar a los subcontratistas necesarios licencia y seguro. Una vez que tengas tu línea de tiempo inicial y el presupuesto, vuelve a calcular de nuevo, esta vez asumiendo que va a costar el doble, y tomar tres veces el tiempo que su estimación original. Sólo entonces usted tiene un plan razonable.

Al tomar cualquier decisión de inversión de bienes raíces de alquiler, usted necesita un factor en la tasa de rendimiento anual de sus ingresos de alquiler, así como las posibles plusvalías prevista. No recomiendo basar una decisión de inversión en las proyecciones futuras plusvalías. Más bien, lo más seguro es invertir sólo si usted piensa que el total de los ingresos por alquiler anual igual o mayor que sus costos totales anuales que transportan. En otras palabras, no se invierte menos que usted sea el flujo de caja positivo, o por lo menos el flujo de efectivo neutral. Total de ingresos por alquiler anual se puede estimar mediante la colaboración con un agente competente, local de bienes raíces que se encarga de los alquileres. Los servicios en línea como Craigslist también son recursos esenciales en la estimación de los ingresos por alquiler.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Como os estrangeiros compram casas no EUA

Casa Compradores internacionais foram despejando bilhões de dólares no mercado imobiliário dos EUA, à medida que a vantagem de preços mais baixos em casa e um dólar mais fraco.
Mas muitos estrangeiros encontrá-lo difícil de navegar o complexo processo de homebuying Quando se vive no exterior - especialmente quando eles querem uma hipoteca para financiar a casa.
"Eu recebo telefonemas de pessoas que estão perdidas e não sabem por onde começar", diz Judy Hamblen, vice-presidente de Hipoteca National Foreign em Fort Lauderdale, na Flórida
Encontrar as pessoas certas  -

Imobiliária em Miami - 

Eles devem começar por encontrar os profissionais certos para guiá-los através do processo, incluindo um agente imobiliário e um advogado que tem experiência em trabalhar com compradores estrangeiros, diz Mike Xylas, um advogado imobiliário e bancário em AGMB em Nova York.
"A montagem de uma boa equipe é fundamental", eu disse.
A maneira mais fácil de encontrar um bom agente é através de referências, eu disse. A Associação Nacional de Corretores de Imóveis que as listas de agentes especializados em trabalhar com compradores estrangeiros em seu site. Estes agentes são certificados normalmente "Especialistas International Property", e costumam viajar para o exterior para promover os seus serviços e propriedades.
Agente imobiliário Tan Wei Min diz que normalmente viaja para a Ásia e Europa para se encontrar com potenciais compradores. Tan é um corretor no Castelo Avenida Partners, que faz parte do Realty Rutenberg de Manhattan. Eu Representa compradores de várias partes do mundo, incluindo Cingapura, Hong Kong, Austrália e Reino Unido.
"A maioria deles chegar até mim através do boca a boca, as referências, o Google," eu disse. "Eles querem alguém para guiá-los, alguém que possa identificar um bom negócio e negociar o preço. Eles se preocupar com quem vai cuidar de tudo para eles."
Como Tan, a maioria dos agentes que conhecem advogados representam os compradores estrangeiros, agentes de crédito e contadores para ajudar os compradores através do processo.
Conseguir uma hipoteca
Ao comprar uma casa nos Estados Unidos, os compradores estrangeiros pagam em dinheiro Muitas vezes, porque é um processo muito mais fácil, mais rápido, agente imobiliário diz Baro Shalizi de Shalizi Imóveis em Santa Fe, NM
Mas, com as taxas de hipoteca tão baixos, muitos compradores internacionais optar por financiar sua compra.
"O mercado como um todo tem visto um aumento significativo na demanda por um produto estrangeiro", diz James Campanella, gerente de hipotecas residenciais no City National Bank of Florida, em Miami.
O credor diz que vê a partir de uma ampla gama de Mutuários países, mas a maioria dos candidatos são do Brasil e do Reino Unido.
Poucos emprestadores nos Estados Unidos oferecem empréstimos para habitação para os compradores estrangeiros, mas este tipo de empréstimo está disponível. É apenas uma questão de encontrar o credor o direito, diz Hamblen.
Ao comprar um apartamento em um desenvolvimento construído recentemente, os compradores vão descobrir que alguns desenvolvedores já alinharam os credores que estão dispostos a oferecer hipotecas para os compradores internacionais.
"Eu recebo um monte de ligações de corretores de imóveis, advogados (representando os compradores estrangeiros), e eu estou recebendo um monte de telefonemas de desenvolvedores", diz Hamblen.
Requisitos para obter uma hipoteca
Um comprador estrangeiro deve esperar para pagar pelo menos 30 por cento do valor da casa como um adiantamento. O mutuário será solicitado a fornecer documentação suficiente para mostrar renda, extratos bancários, cartas de referência de seus bancos ou instituições de crédito, e duas formas de identificação, Campanella diz.
"O candidato estrangeiro que deve estar ciente que é extremamente importante para a instituição de empréstimo para conhecer seus mutuário," eu disse.
O credor é obrigado a realizar análises detalhadas de renda do tomador e documentação de ativos.
"A revisão está procurando transparência dos Mutuários, obtendo um entendimento de onde (e) como a renda ea riqueza deles é gerada e como os seus bens se movimentar", diz Campanella.
Dependendo da nacionalidade do comprador, um visto será exigido, Hamblen diz.
"Vamos precisar de uma cópia de seu passaporte (e) para B-1 e B-2 visto (visitante)", diz ela.
Custos de empréstimos
Hamblen diz Mutuários são obrigados a criar uma conta bancária nos Estados Unidos e depositar o pagamento na conta para ser capaz de obter uma hipoteca.
Mutuários estrangeiros são cobrados taxas de juros um pouco mais altos do que os residentes dos EUA. Mas desde que as taxas nos Estados Unidos estão perto de todos os tempos baixos, mutuários podem obter uma taxa de juros de hipotecas com uma produção anual variando de 4,5 por cento, para cerca de 6 por cento, Hamblen diz. As hipotecas são geralmente disponíveis com taxas fixas por um período de cinco, sete e 30 anos.
Como residentes nos Estados Unidos, os Mutuários estrangeiros são cobrados sobre os custos de uma hipoteca de fechamento, taxas credor e inclusive de terceiros honorários. Custos de fechamento total de variar, mas é de cerca de 2 por cento Tipicamente do montante do empréstimo, Campanella diz.
A nível nacional, as taxas médias de originação e título em um total de 200.000 dólares de hipotecas compra Sobre $ 4,070, segundo o levantamento Bankrate de 2011 anual de custos de fechamento.
Cada credor dos Estados Unidos vai exigir mutuários para comprar imóveis seguros para proteger a casa de qualquer dano potencial. Custos de seguro variar dependendo do tamanho da casa e do estado. Eles tendem a ser mais caro em áreas propensas a desastres naturais, como a Flórida.
Impostos sobre a propriedade
Os compradores internacionais devem considerar ao impostos sobre a propriedade de comprar uma casa nos Estados Unidos. Os impostos variam em cada estado e município, a partir de algumas centenas de dólares a milhares de dólares por ano, dependendo da área e do valor do imóvel. Dependendo da nacionalidade do comprador, os impostos sobre a propriedade nos Estados Unidos pode ser percebida como alta. Para outros, elas soam como uma barganha.
"Nós tivemos um comprador da Jamaica, que pagou o equivalente a US $ 6 a US $ 7 por mês em impostos sobre a propriedade (na Jamaica), então eu fiquei chocado com impostos nossa propriedade", diz Hamblen.
Manhattan tem alguns dos mais altos impostos de propriedade nos Estados Unidos, mas Teixeira diz que alguns de seus clientes a encontrar os impostos lá barato quando comparado à sua cidade de origem.
"Em comparação com Hong Kong e Londres, Manhattan é realmente acessível", eu disse.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Rich managers drive the property prices

Housing costs explode. Reason is the many luxury apartments that are being built. Buyers are often well-heeled companies handlebars that go into retirement and preferably move to the cities.

Even the name promises idyllic tranquility and pure luxury: The Lenbach gardens in Munich, the Sophienterrassen in Hamburg, Andreas Quarter in Dusseldorf.

Everywhere in Germany are currently being built in the middle of the city, new apartment blocks - which are nothing less than that, because it's rather pompous properties that promise in advertising: "More is not luxury." And where many wondering who the estimated prices can actually afford.

But the demand is there. And it's growing, with the result that the future rather more such residential palace to be built. However, this has an impact on the other residents of their respective districts. Even for them in the living is getting more expensive, even if they continue to live only in a boring block from the 50s.

Living in the city is again made attractive

"Many inner cities evolved tremendously in recent years to their advantage," says Uwe Schmitz, CEO of Frankonia Eurobau AG, one of the largest property developers, who also created and especially those luxury accommodations.

After the war, were there quickly and hastily new apartment blocks have been raised, equipped spartan and rarely constitute architectural highlights.

But in recent years, the city planners have done a lot, living in the city again to make it attractive. For example, the center of Düsseldorf is the construction of the tunnel moved closer to the Rhine river. That should make the city more livable.

20,000 euros per square meter - Setai condos Miami Beach

And now leads to the desired result. People want to stay there again, even and especially those with high incomes or large assets. "Many managers who have earned over the last ten to fifteen years, put a lot of money, now to rest," says Schmitz, "and they do not want to retire to spend in the country, but in the middle of the city." He counts them to the main clientele, the newly built luxury apartments buy.

For only they can afford real estate, where the price per square meter, as in Hamburg, starts at 7000 Euro and which are at least 100 to 120 square meters. In Munich, for apartments in this category are particularly attractive locations now even prices of up to 20,000 euros per square meter required. And paid.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Gerard Depardieu and his real estate empire

Wealthy thanks to his film career, Gérard Depardieu also derives significant revenues from its many properties. A review.

Gérard Depardieu never ceases to wipe criticism since the announcement of his departure to Belgium for tax purposes.Aged 63, the actor, one of the best paid in France, has a real estate empire. 
Firstly the mansion he sold, and located rue du Cherche-Midi in Paris, for a total 50 million according to some sources. Completely restored by the actor, the sumptuous residence of 1,800 m2 is partly registered historic monument.

A fishmonger, restaurants ... 
In the same street in the 6th arrondissement, the man has other assets, such as a wine bar, or a fish. Local residents are also used to cross regularly. 
And that's not all. The actor also owns two other restaurants in the capital, vignoles, or a production company. In 2010, her film roles he had earned nearly two million. An incredible heritage for which the actor does not seem to support paying taxes .

Real estate market in France: good and bad news for 2013

From 1 January next year, property taxes will become much more detrimental. Indeed, many new taxes should enter into force in the coming days.
Rates are low, prices fall, and yet it is really time to invest in real estate? The year 2013 is fast approaching and, from 1 January, the tax may be less attractive to owners once the draft 2013 budget vote. A review of the changes to come.

The device Duflot more restrictive than the Scellier

The government expects the tax rate reduction will be 18% in France and 29% overseas investment and will last between 9 and 12 years, with perhaps a bonus for buildings with very high energy performance. It is superior to conventional Scellier (13% over 9 years) and Scellier intermediate (17% over 12 years and 21% over 15 years). But the total investment shall not exceed EUR 300 000.

However, access to the device will be more difficult for investors. Rents of dwellings built will be capped and 20% lower than market rents, a more restrictive threshold than the Scellier. A real headache for real estate professionals because there is no tool to determine what city by city market price.

A-taxation of capital gains

MEPs adopted an amendment raising taxes on real estate gains . They decided to apply a surcharge on real estate gains (principal residence excluded), previously taxed at 19%, 2% from 50 000 3% 100 6% 000 to 250 000 euros.

The buildable land more heavily taxed Gains on building sites will be submitted from 2015 onwards, a progressive scale of income tax.

To cause "shock land" and encourage owners to sell in 2013 and 2014, taper relief on the duration of the detention of the land, up to the total exénoration after 30 years, is deleted.

A tax to fund archaeological

A new tax will affect individuals by building their flag . Leaning against the development tax, this fee is used to finance the diagnosis and study of archaeological remains buried in the basement. According to government estimates, the increase in the tax planning would amount to about 9% in the provinces and 7% in Ile-de-France. The first 100 square meters of construction will be exempt. Which ultimately will lead taxpayers to pay 277.20 euros for the conctruction a pavilion of 150 m2 and 314 euros province in Ile-de-France.

Charges dropped

However, some good news to report. Owners will thus avoid both taxes.

Luxury real estate is doing well

The deputy PS, Mathieu Hanotin had presented an amendment to tax the real estate purchases . The tax was 1% for a good equivalent or greater than one million, 2% for goods of two million, and so on up to 10% for purchases of goods in excess of 10 million euros

The tax on housing "under-occupied" abandoned

The amendment concerned the housing "under-occupied" . An annual fee of 5% for these units in urban areas experiencing a marked imbalance between supply and demand should be established to "unassigned furnished accommodation to the main house" . That rate was calculated from the cadastral rental value of housing. Finally, the government gave up defending this text MPs pressure PS.

A tax on vacant housing already exists but the government decided to harden and expand the agglomerations of more than 50 000 against 20 000 currently.

The valuation of real estate for sale

Want to change, extension family mutation, taxation ... There are many reasons that may lead to sell a property, sometimes very quickly and without room for negotiation on the price. Better to know to make it attractive, even if the recipe does not seem ideal. The advice of professionals, some scholars adjuvants can however put oil in the wheels of the sale. Some work well designed, studies and diagnostics millimiters and a well-crafted file are prerequisites that may appear cheaply glitter in the eyes of the buyer.
It is always difficult to sell a property. The national average before finding a buyer is 130 days, or more than four months, according to the National Federation of Estate Agents (FNAIM). But this figure masks wide disparities in time. An apartment in poor condition will not sell unless to do some financial concessions, that many sellers can not afford, pressed for time and the obligation to achieve a certain amount of surplus value. Or "one can suffer badly valued at a discount of 20 or 30%," says Nathalie Naccache, director of agency Century 21-Realty Fortis in Paris. This ax has not always been present. There ten years, buyers prefer an empty apartment or outdated decor for the free field and redo everything to their liking. "Today they aspire to 'all done', they want to identify, acquire wishing sometimes presented with good furniture. They do not want to plan and initiate work "reveals Natalie Naccache. A statement that speaks volumes about the power held by the seller if he knows how to take well the trappings decisive for the attention of the potential buyer. This does not only decoration.
Comeback of rationality on the market
period current real estate sector seems bleak and expects a hellish descent prices. Although ... "2012 is advertised as a poor year, but it must be remembered that in 2011, with 850,000 transactions was a good year because people anticipated change legislation on real estate gains. The 750,000 are expected simply return to normal, "nuance Sylvain Rey, founder of the network Aveo, which helps the property valuation by contacting a partner agency with the seller. In addition, high transaction amounts appear to be resistance in the heart of French cities, especially Paris. The transition period that opens leaves no wonder professionals and the general public, who are beginning to believe that only a crystal ball effectively provide a semblance of visibility. "The truth is that markets operate at two speeds shortage today: flawless overall well find a buyer, either for home or for investment. In contrast, the low ceiling which is located on the ground floor or on a high floor with no lift, no longer find lessee, even crowned with an attractive price "distinguishes Nathalie Naccache. The reason? It is time for caution."Previously, everyone aspired to get money out of banks and invest quickly in stone, so many buyers were not fussy defects of certain goods. Today, real estate is always a safe haven, but the lack of profitability, fluctuations in interest rates or unemployment require some investment security "describes the professional. Therefore, the classic elements of security such as location, price or technical aspects seem become paramount in the choice of the buyer. This seller accused; rationality back in the choice of transaction prevents passing bladders for lanterns."Generally, a person appeals to us as firefighters, after experiencing a period of 10 months and failed half on average because it believes it has the Château de Versailles. The well is 'toasted' agencies as individuals saw and found a major flaw, "said Sylvain Rey, founder of the network Aveo. The property in question must first conceal certain fundamentals. If this is the case, the vendor may use techniques to influence the final choice of the buyer, even if it is more down to earth than in the past.
"Home staging" light work of rigor and
a maximum value passes first through a complete file. The last three PV AG, the building regulations, the building permit, the permit or compliance costs over the past year can not be ignored. But if these formalities are necessary conditions, they are certainly not sufficient. Expectations of buyers, many more than in the past, sometimes require the seller to make his home more attractive by investing in a refurbishment (paint, flooring, bathroom ...). "A study of the observatory property has determined that the second source of anxiety to the purchaser after the price was work to be done," observes this title Sylvain Rey. However difficult to find a balance between a simple coat of paint and a complete renovation, which is often more expensive it relates. "All work not generate added value," says besides a realtor. Rest seller advised not to implement those that will appeal to many buyers. In this context, the concept of "home staging", consisting primarily of a depersonalization of the interior to enhance the scope of the buyer's heart is not to be overlooked. With a few adjustments to the design, colors, plants, lighting ... it is possible to give the visitor the impression - and desire - to be with him. "The seniors as young first-time buyers will be able to plan and be interested. I will speak more readily neutralization, "said Sylvain Rey. This edit checks of the interior light remained in France as Nathalie Naccache said: "At one time we offered the diagnosis and staging of home we've partnered with a company to work, but we soon realized that we dépassions not the quotation stage. People cling finally a lot of sense and simply removing Russian dolls and decorative too burdensome. "
Support under the seal of ROI
Today, it is to the real estate agent that turns a priority, firstly for it considers the value of the property. It must also be reassured that the basic checks (bearing walls, common areas, etc.)., It supports a maximum of formalities, which forms the basis of the services it can offer. Agents pushed the logic a bit further. "We believe bring added value to the buyer when we prickles on an architect partner to perform simulations and begin quote entrepreneurs so that they can really project themselves," says Nathalie Naccache. For the seller, the employees are responsible for implementing the mandatory certificates, if present craftsmen for work, study specifications and to monitor the quality of work, and then begin visits. Alternatively, more sophisticated, the company specializes in the example Aveo. It accompanies the sale of A to Z and works with partners estate agents involved in the sale. Experts perform some odd jobs and provide the owner quotes on heavier investments to achieve. "We provide a quantification of anomalies, to avoid overestimating the buyer being there is a bias, and therefore an argument in the negotiations.Encumbering visitors on a house with single glazing and it is likely that many of them have a brother that may pose a double glazing for a sum coincidentally very high. We therefore consider the cost of accommodation, "said Sylvain Rey. This type of service is free: the expert pays once the sale is concluded with a commission ranging from 0.5 to 4% of the transaction amount. This expense is generally widely profitable. Aveo considers housing past his hands is sold in 29 days on average, against 130 for a good classic. And because the company guarantees the resale practice in 3 months: opens a loan contract work. If the property is sold within 3 months, the seller will refund the cost without having to pay interest. "If the property is not sold in excess of three months, we provide monthly payments. The person did not cash out. Of course, we choose whether or not to sign the contract, because we know the price levels and know how to recognize a vendor too greedy, "said Sylvain Rey. In 2011, Aveo, also increasingly sought by real estate agencies, has made ​​557 services: 25% of the assets were sold in less than 10 days, 60% within 30 days, 80% within 60 days . Finally, the "home stager" independent charge their average benefits between 300 euros and 1000 euros, identifying defects Housing and delivering recommendations work or development.
The coming revolution in energy diagnostics
remains the thorny issue of energy audits. Diagnosis of energy performance (DPE) awareness tool created in 2005 and whose display has been made ​​mandatory from 1 January 2011, showed that 80% of assets in France were very inefficient and therefore classified the worst levels - E, F or G - giving biscuit to the purchaser in its negotiation. But the professionals, this certificate is not really reliable, results can vary from one provider to another.Many experts are set to perform thermal studies, energy audits kinds of more advanced charged between 700 and 1000 euros to make quantifications also works and their impact on the future energy performance. Program, improving insulation: change windows, convectors facilities, loft insulation, ... However, work to improve the balance sheet - around 30 000 euros to get a home listed at G C - even if they can benefit from the zero rate loan eco-PTZ or sustainable development tax credit, are virtually nonexistent in Paris, began to see in the suburbs and are valid in the province. "They are a real cash advance for a return on investment very risky and long", do not hesitate to report Nathalie Naccache. When you rent a property, the isolate does not mean that we can grow in large proportions rent. Similarly, the amount of the sale does not necessarily will lift up the vertices. Therefore, the question of whether or not to perform thermal analysis is to ignore it? Certainly not for Didier Bader Thermiconseil design office, for whom "this kind of study is always recommended, even if the owners do not have the means or the desire, to do the work recommended. They thus have a clear and accurate costing for future buyers. " For undoubtedly, time is redoubled vigilance and regulation. Signing the Kyoto Protocol in 1997 called on France to divide by four gas emissions greenhouse. In 2005, Pope Law (Programming laying down guidelines for energy policy) defined energy policy over the next 50 years and has demonstrated the enormous challenges that play for the country if he can control the energy consumption of its fleet property as he promised. In 2008, the Grenelle Environment gave deadlines in the process of saving energy. "In 2020 the park must display an average consumption of 150 kW / h of primary energy per square meter per year. In 2050, this level must be at only 80 kW / h ", shows Didier Bader. Therefore, it is expected to increasingly stringent measures in this regard. A decree already requires owners to do an energy audit and develop a policy renovations until 2017. "But the French, in good French, will not move immediately. The real start will occur when the non-conforming goods suffer a discount. A scenario may become reality in the next 2-3 years, when the thermal studies become mandatory "fun to play Cassandra Didier Bader. However the facts seem to prove him right, to the extent that today appear in contracts subject to conditions precedent thermal study. This can indeed be done if the owner agrees. The buyer has already integrated the DPE is not enough. It will also not only to push in the direction of regulation. "The bankers will encourage the movement, because it would be inappropriate for their customers who purchase a property and incur debt ratios up, suddenly have to pay 50 000 euros extra to put standards. In this case, the bank would suffer double punishment, which may not be repaid, and subsequently pay for the well up to standard, "provides Didier Bader. In April, an article by ADEME has introduced the concept of "green value", which is neither more nor less than a calculation method to estimate the difference in price between two identical houses, knowing that a undertook the renovation and the other not. A cat among the pigeons of the sitters. This value reflects the green energy future performance and the amount of investment.
Each week, the show Search apartment or house hosted by Stéphane Plaza M6 is heavily decorated in order to increase its chances of selling. But he who sells his property has a lot more strings to his bow.